9 Tips for preventing skin rash and other skin infections
Many people know that allergies, environmental pollution, food, infections and psychological problems like increased stress trigger skin rashes. Along with these known causes, there are also some preventive measures which can be adopted to prevent the advent of skin rashes.
- The most obvious suggestions is to avoid allergens like platinum, nickel, chromium and other metals used in jewelry, belt buckles, watches, jeans buttons, etc. The best way to do this is to try and replace these metal products with plastic products like plastic belt buckles. If you don’t find pretty buttons to replace your metallic buttons, you can always coat the metal with some clear nail polish and avoid rashes.
- If you have sensitive skin, it is better to stay away and avoid certain things. examples are chemicals present in cosmetic products especially those which are scented, hair dyes, soaps, detergents and skin irritants like poison oak, rubber, leather, poison oak and other like substances.
- One of the best ways to avoid skin rashes is by paying attention to your personal hygiene. The better is your personal hygiene; the better is your prevention against fungal or bacterial infections.
- In case you have any infections, leave the infected area open so that the skin can breathe naturally. It is however essential that you do not expose the wound to direct sunlight. Sunlight only triggers any infection and makes it itchier for you.
- If you have rashes, it’s better to avoid using any oil based creams or lotions on it as much as possible. This is especially important if you have heat rash as it only traps the heat inside.
- Always resist the temptation to scratch rashes persistently. Though you may get temporary relief from the itching, scratching only worsens the wound further.
- Do not share your personal products with others. This means you should not share towels, soaps and even combs with others. Any skin infection they have can be easily transmitted to you just by sharing all this.
- Make sure you wash your clothes on an everyday basis, especially your undergarments which have direct contact with your skin.
- Check and find out which material agrees with you and which does not as many people get rashes and skin irritation wearing clothes made of nylon and synthetic materials. If this is the case, stick to wearing only clothes made of cotton, silk and other natural materials like jute.
By following these 9 tips on a regular basis, it is very much possible to prevent skin rashes and possible skin infections.