baking soda

Men’s rough skin- not a worry anymore

Men seldom spend money, time or thought on their skin as it’s always been assumed that skin care is something meant only for women. On the contrary, anyone can get rough skin if they don’t take proper care of their skin and if they use the wrong skin products. Remember, your sweetheart’s products may work only for her, and not for you as skincare options cannot be shared.

Baking soda and olive oil for acne scar removal-II

Now that you know lemon juice and honey proves helpful at removing acne scars, here is more information about other ingredients which can also remove acne scars. One of them is the wonder herb, aloe Vera. The herb not only soothes swollen skin, but is also helpful at regenerating damaged tissues and boosting the body’s healing process.

Lemon and oatmeal for acne relief

Acne can attack people of all ages, but is most common in teenagers because of their body’s increased hormone levels. Other acne triggers include sleep deprivation, stress, wrong eating habits and a hectic lifestyle. Acne can occur anywhere- on the face, scalp, back or chest. Though there is no definitive cure for the condition, there are some easy and natural cures available using common ingredients available at home.