
How to prevent and slow down the ageing of hands

Our hands are very important to us as we need them to complete most of our everyday chores like cooking, washing, carrying things, holding on to things for support and unknowingly, your hands takes the brunt of your work.

In the process, they come in contact with all types of substances and textures throughout the day. This is one of, and the main reason for its accelerated signs of ageing, much faster than your face, and is characterized by age spots, a veiny appearance and thin, dry skin.

How to control ageing of hands

It’s unfortunate but not many realize that their hands show signs of aging much faster than the face. While most people concentrate on getting rid of signs of aging on their faces, their hands quickly develop thin, dry skin, age spots and a veiny look, which are all signs of aging.

The reduced production of collagen and elastin is a part of the natural aging process which leads to dry hands with thin skin, especially on the back of hands. The skin may also appear semi-transparent with the further loss of elasticity. To top all of this, external factors and environment can lead to a rough skin texture, age spots and pigmentation on the back of hands.

Men’s rough skin- not a worry anymore

Men seldom spend money, time or thought on their skin as it’s always been assumed that skin care is something meant only for women. On the contrary, anyone can get rough skin if they don’t take proper care of their skin and if they use the wrong skin products. Remember, your sweetheart’s products may work only for her, and not for you as skincare options cannot be shared.

Is borax safe for use on the skin?

All those ‘safe’ cosmetic products you find on shelves have some borax in it. Yes, borax is not only used for laundry cleaning, but is also used in soaps and cosmetics. So now you wonder if borax is safe for your skin. Read on for the answer.

8 tips for younger hands

Practically everyone uses night creams, day creams, exfoliating scrubs and sunscreens to keep their faces looking dewy-fresh. However while concentrating on their faces, most people neglect the biggest age indicator, your hands.  With time, the constant washing, drying and exposure to the elements show on your hands.