
Your skin too needs some preparation for a long flight

Going for a long flight? Worried about your skin and how you will look getting off the plane? Well, here’s some help at making you look like a beauty queen when you get off the plane after such a long flight.

  1. Hydrate yourself from within

It’s very important that you first hydrate yourself from within by drinking some water or coconut water, which is rich in vitamins. With your body full of liquids, you can easily combat the cabin’s dry air. However drinking coffee and soda does not count.

4 Homemade masks as a remedy for dry feet

So you’ve tried the age-old remedy of applying petroleum jelly, moisturizers and creams to your feet to get rid of all that dry skin, right? Well, if you have the patience, you can also try out some masks to apply not to your face, but to your feet for smooth and supple feet.