
Your skin too needs some preparation for a long flight

Going for a long flight? Worried about your skin and how you will look getting off the plane? Well, here’s some help at making you look like a beauty queen when you get off the plane after such a long flight.

  1. Hydrate yourself from within

It’s very important that you first hydrate yourself from within by drinking some water or coconut water, which is rich in vitamins. With your body full of liquids, you can easily combat the cabin’s dry air. However drinking coffee and soda does not count.

Some more gym habits which can ruin your skin

While letting your hair lose, not wearing gloves while working out and dehydration are some things you should not do while at the gym, there are some additional gym habits to avoid for optimal skin care.

Touching your face

It’s better if you avoid touching your face during workouts, especially if you are doing weights or cardio machines as these machines do breed bacteria. As you don’t want to unnecessarily introduce bacteria to your skin, which can lead to new breakouts and spread existing ones, it’s better to keep your hands off your skin. The best way to do this is by maintaining a habit of washing your hands after your workout.

4 Gym habits which can ruin your skin

It’s great if you have a habit of going to the gym as not many do. It’s good for both your health and wellness but at the same time, can cause havoc to your skin. This is especially if you are used to any of these below bad habits wherein you will have to take some time to rethink things.

  1. Letting loose your hair

If you have a habit of leaving your hair, and do not pull it back from your face, the hair products and not sweat may cause skin problems. So if you notice some breakouts on your hairline or forehead, don’t just blame sweat. All the mousses, gels and hair products you use are also to blame.

5 Skin care tips for busy moms

A mom is a new phase in a woman’s life. She now has to take care of herself and her bundle of joy, which means making major changes to her everyday routine. This spans past infanthood till the child is old enough to fend for themselves.

So amidst all her chores and responsibilities, she may not place much emphasis on her skincare. However you need to know that there are some skincare tips you can use as a mom, which doesn’t take up much of your time.

10 signs you’re sabotaging your skin

There’s so much of information on how you should take care of your skin on the internet. However despite all this, many make big skincare mistakes. So look out for these tell-tale signs if you are one of those sabotaging your skin!

4 Tips for preventing itchy skin in men

An itching man is an uncomfortable and unsightly sight. However it is a predicament they can’t do much about without the right skincare as while there are various reasons for itchy skin, the most common cause is dryness. Once your skin grows dry, it gets flaky, irritated and itchy. So here are some tips to help you keep your skin hydrated and thus prevent itchy skin.

  1. Change to liquid cleansers

If you have always been using the many men’s soaps available in the market, it’s time to change and use a men’s body wash. This is because the mass-market soaps can dry your skin with its fragrances and other irritants.

4 Anti-aging skin mistakes men make

If you want to look younger than the father you are today, there are a few tips you need to follow and a few mistakes you need to avoid making. This is why this article is written, with the intention of helping men’s skin look great no matter what your age may be, by helping you fight wrinkles and other signs of aging.

  1. Insufficient moisturizing

It’s important that you moisturize your skin at least once a day, without any excuses. This is important as moisturizing not only hydrates your skin, but in the process, also helps fight off signs of aging.

5 ways a men’s face scrub can help you get a date

No matter how hard you try, you just don’t seem lucky or capable enough to get a date for yourself. There may be many reasons for this, but one of the main and common reasons in men is a dull and bad complexion.

A face scrub helps create a significant difference between a dull and vibrant complexion. It should thus be an important part of any man’s facial skincare routine for the following reasons and benefits.

5 tips to get rid of men acne for improved self confidence

Did you always think that you would not get pimples as it occurred only in women and in teenagers? Are you surprised you have one now? Well don’t be surprised as men’s adult acne is rather common. You also needn’t worry as it’s possible to prevent and get rid of these pimples using the right skincare products and regimen.

Are skin whitening creams actually effective?

The skin care industry offers various skin care products, making it difficult for the common person to choose the right product. This especially applies to skin brightening products which work at making your skin lighter and brighter. If you are thinking of buying a skin lightener, there are a few facts you need to know before buying one.
