
Avoid these habits and control your wrinkles

Wrinkles were always associated as a part of the aging process, and were noticed only as you grew older. However today things have changed wherein wrong lifestyle, stress and wrong food habits lead to the development of wrinkles at a younger age.

People are today in fact willing to spend thousands of dollars to get rid of these wrinkles. Instead of getting rid of the wrinkles, it’s better to avoid some of these habits which trigger and lead to wrinkles.

Let your body work while you sleep

Nighttime is not only a time to rest, but also when your body gets time to recharge itself for the next day, and your skin has time for rejuvenation. You get better results if you help and get your skin ready for all this night time work with the following tips.

If you have a habit of sleeping with your hair down, it’s better if you stop the habit and sleep with your hair tied up as it’s beneficial to both your hair and skin. Make it a habit brushing your hair and braiding or pinning it up into a bun to keep it off your face as you sleep, and to prevent the formation of knots and tangles in the morning. This is essential as your hair has oil and dirt which can cause pimples and acne.

3 more home remedies for sagging skin

Sagging skin is part of the aging process, which cannot be avoided. However it is possible to prolong its inset and even reduce the amount of sag of your skin using a few home remedies. Most important, it’s better to reduce your exposure to the harmful sun rays, reduce your alcohol consumption and drink as much water as possible.

Get healthy skin by avoiding these 4 skin wreckers

So you are looking for some tips for optimal skin, right? Well while you may know that you need to moisturize and exfoliate your skin and also use skin creams to keep your skin well moisturized, you also need to know what you should avoid to prevent further deterioration of your skin health. In other words, these are the skin wreckers you need to avoid for healthy skin

Sleep well and keep your wrinkles away

Now that you know making dietary and lifestyle changes help prevent and stop wrinkles, now read on to find out how and why you need to sleep right to get rid of wrinkles. You need to not only sleep sufficiently, but also sleep right. This is because while sleeping, your body produces human growth hormone which controls your body tissues, including skin.

Good sleep for good skin

The phrase ‘beauty sleep’ is indeed true as it is only if you sleep well that you have healthy and good skin. Improper and poor quality sleep makes your skin look tired and older and gives you bags under your eyes. Moreover, poor quality sleep leads to a vicious cycle of anxiety, depression and irritation wherein you find it difficult getting a good night’s sleep. It is when you sleep that your body and skin cells get repaired. 

A Well Balanced Lifestyle For Optimum Skin Health

Practically everyone suffers from stress in life. While stress is supposed to be a part of life, too much of it affects your body. The most obvious effect is on your skin wherein you start developing wrinkles, pimples, acne and other similar skin problems. This is because the skin grows too sensitive to stress and in the process, triggers lots of irritation. Exercise helps in cleaning the skin from harmful toxins. Moreover, exercise helps maintain skin elasticity and in the process, prevents ...