
Avoid these habits and control your wrinkles

Wrinkles were always associated as a part of the aging process, and were noticed only as you grew older. However today things have changed wherein wrong lifestyle, stress and wrong food habits lead to the development of wrinkles at a younger age.

People are today in fact willing to spend thousands of dollars to get rid of these wrinkles. Instead of getting rid of the wrinkles, it’s better to avoid some of these habits which trigger and lead to wrinkles.

Let your body work while you sleep

Nighttime is not only a time to rest, but also when your body gets time to recharge itself for the next day, and your skin has time for rejuvenation. You get better results if you help and get your skin ready for all this night time work with the following tips.

If you have a habit of sleeping with your hair down, it’s better if you stop the habit and sleep with your hair tied up as it’s beneficial to both your hair and skin. Make it a habit brushing your hair and braiding or pinning it up into a bun to keep it off your face as you sleep, and to prevent the formation of knots and tangles in the morning. This is essential as your hair has oil and dirt which can cause pimples and acne.

Nighttime beauty regime for your feet and eyes

The skin is the one organ which is constantly exposed to the harsh environmental elements, dirt and sun’s rays throughout the day. This is why you need to place particular emphasis at taking care of your skin, which is best done at night when you are asleep. Yes, with the help of some skin products, you can let your skin do its work at rejuvenating your skin while you take your nightly eight hours of sleep.

Night beauty rituals for your face and hands

Everyday exposure to the sun, dust, chemicals and environmental changes leads to significant skin damage. It quickens the premature aging signs like fine lines, wrinkles and a dull complexion which can however be reversed by taking good care of your skin and hair at night.

It is at night that your skin repairs itself without much help from you to give you healthier skin. By following the right nightly skin care routine, you will be able to reduce the occurrence of blemishes on your skin, improve your skin tone, make your skin glow and on an overall, rejuvenate your skin. All you need to do is give your skin a few minutes every night and you will see improvements and better skin within a few days’ time.

3 Home remedies for sagging skin

As you age, your skin’s elastin and collagen structure loses its elasticity to start looking loose and saggy. Moreover, age makes the facial muscles weak and contributes to saggy skin. Besides, excessive exposure to harmful sun rays, too much smoking, pregnancy, obesity, rapid weight loss, a poor diet, regular consumption of alcoholic beverages, dehydration and use of harsh chemicals on the skin can all lead to a loss of the skin’s elasticity.

5 tips for removing wrinkles on a man’s forehead

Wrinkles on the forehead is a problem everyone suffers from. No matter if you are just twenty years of age or in your forties, you can get wrinkles while women tackle the problem with a huge range of skin care products and facial treatments, men are a novice, and uncomfortable with skin care products.


However there’s good news for them. There are now a few techniques which men can use to prevent, treat and even get rid of any wrinkles they have on their forehead.

Even 4 more skin care myths demystified

You have read and learnt the reality of a few popular skin care myths through the last two posts. As mentioned earlier, here are a few more myths demystified for your satisfaction and curiosity.

4 Skin care myths debunked

You always thought you’d learnt lots of things related to beauty and skin care through beauty blogs and fashion magazines. While you do learn lots of things, some of them can be inaccurate because of skin care myths. So read on to learn more about these myths and what actually works.

Vitamins can contribute to healthy skin

Skin care products are not the only way to get healthy skin as whatever you eat also reflects itself on your skin. So if your diet comprises only of processed food, it will only lead to dull, discolored and oily skin. However if you nourish your body with whole foods with the required vitamins, your skin has a much better appearance.

So here is a list of basic vitamins you need for optimum skin health.

Anti-aging benefits of green tea

Have you ever looked for a magical ingredient which will help reverse your aging process? Are you worried with your signs of aging? If you are, you may be trying out everything on the shelf to get rid of lines and wrinkles, and in the process, bombard your skin with loads of chemicals.
