Skincare- Vitamin C helps reduce dark circles

If you have dark circles, don’t fret as it is the second most common dermatological complaint existing. Though it is thought stress, all night work and late night partying all cause dark circles, this is not true.

It’s just lack of sleep makes the skin pale, thus emphasizing already existing dark circles. Even hormones make your skin pale to highlight pre-existing dark circles, which are more visible in people with fair skin or deep set eyes.

It is because the skin under the eyes is thin and delicate and the capillaries near the skin’s surface and skin translucence that the dark circles are more noticeable. However there are various home remedies you can try to get rid of them.

While these home remedies are cheap and safe to try out, they require lots of patience as you can’t expect results overnight.

  • Try applying some crushed mint leaves over your closed eyes for twenty minutes as a simple treatment for dark circles.
  • Dark circles are also considerably reduced by your placing plain, cool and somewhat dry teabags over your closed eyes. It is however not recommended to use herbal teabags.
  • Instead of tea bags, you can also use cool cucumber slices with its skin on, or potato slices. These are common but effective treatment options for your dark circles.
  • The dark pigmentation under the eyes can be considerably reduced and removed by applying rose water with cotton cools on the eyes.
  • You can also try applying a paste made of pineapple juice and turmeric powder for relief.
  • Even applying some pure almond oil and massaging it around your eyes give great results. You can remove the oil after 15 minutes using moist cotton wool.
  • Drink cranberry juice twice a day to quicken the curing process of dark circles; you will find a noticeable reduction in the dark circles within 10 days’ time.
  • Even drinking a mixed juice of lemon juice, mint leaves, tomato juice and salt proves helpful at solving your dark circles problem.
  • Try mixing a teaspoon of tomato juice with 3-4 drops of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric and some white flour to make a paste. Applying this paste regularly to the dark circles for 15 minutes a day is one of the most popular natural dark circle home remedies available.

Last but not least, a healthy and balanced diet is very important, preferably a diet rich in iron and vital vitamins like vitamin C, E and K. include as much green vegetables and foods containing vitamin C to your diet as it strengthens blood walls to help control ugly dark circles. Moreover, as salt contains sodium which helps with fluid retention, reduce your salt consumption to prevent the formation of dark circles.